Indoor Posters

Indoor Posters


Posters are an essential part to any marketing repertoire. They are quick and easy to design, inexpensive to print and have the ability to stick in the viewer’s mind. This makes posters the ideal tool for attracting new customers and increasing brand awareness.

Posters are great for pinning on public notice boards, in shop windows and in and around your company. Far cheaper than taking out an advert in print, radio, or television, posters let you connect with your local audience without straining your budget.

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Technical Specifications for Poster Printing

  • Finished flat size should be:
    • A1: 840 x 594mm (846 x 600mm including bleed)
    • A2: 594 x 420mm (600 x 426mm including bleed)
    • A3: 297 x 420mm (303 x 426mm including bleed)
    • A4: 210 x 297mm (216 x 303mm including bleed)
  • Include 3mm bleed on all sides
  • Supply as a CMYK PDF
  • Outline or embed fonts
  • 300dpi resolution


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